TeeBall Coach's Dennis Smith & Dennis Caulfield
President: Daniel Smith
Vice President: Dennis Caulfield
Secretary: Nicki Townsend
Treasurer: Amy Berends
Assistant Treasurer: Ken Neilson
Uniform/Merch: Teresa Neilson
Registrations: Nicki Townsend
Sponsorship: John Kus
Food Co-ord: Kellie Kus
LVBA Delegate: Dan Smith
Publicity Officer: Jay Ziersch
Head Groundsmen: Jay Ziersch & Brian Dillon

2022 Registration & Fees
The 2022 Registration & Fee Structure are as follows
*Family discount 10% off club fee, for 3 or more from the one family.
Senior $337.82
$ 107.82 to be paid directly to Baseball Victoria/Australia
$230 Club Fee to be paid to Traralgon Redsox
Junior playing senior $146.49
$96.49 to be paid directly to Baseball Victoria/Australia
$150 Club Fee to be paid to Traralgon Redsox
New Player (1st season) $257.82
$ 107.82 to be paid directly to Baseball Victoria/Australia
$150 Club fee to be paid to Traralgon Redsox
U16’s $87.49
$87.49 to be paid directly to Baseball Victoria/Australia
$55 Club Fee to be paid to Traralgon Redsox
U13’s $87.49
$87.49 to be paid directly to Baseball Victoria/Australia
$55 Club Fee to be paid to Traralgon Redsox
U10’s (Teeball) $35.83 or $87.49
To be paid directly to Baseball Victoria
Ages 5, 6, 7, 8 $35.83
Ages 9, 10 $87.49
$35 Club Fee to be paid to Traralgon Redsox
This year Baseball Victoria are insisting Members register yourself online and pay the Baseball Victoria fee prior to playing the first game.
Payment options are Paypal or Credit Card.
The steps to register as an existing member are:
The link to Baseball Victoria’s online registration is on the Traralgon Redsox Webpage.
1.. Choose Login or New Registration
2.. Enter your Username and Password. (Can be obtained from Nicki Townsend 0418 327 238)
3.. Choose Membership renewal
4.. Choose Membership Type
5.. Must tick each box agreeing to BV terms
6.. Check and update all information, Especially D.O.B & contact details
7.. Submit Application and pay online. Either via paypal or Credit Card
Please click on the link to get started.
Traralgon Redsox Banking Details
Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633-000
Account No: 101159176
Please Reference Invoice Number and Surname