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Terms & Conditions

You must comply with these conditions of entry and follow instructions displayed within this Facility or given by us (and any person appointed by us to manage the Facility) from time to time.

You must not smoke in this Facility or within 5 metres of the Facility entrance.

No alcohol, illegal or offensive substances; or glass / sharp objects are permitted in this Facility.

The use of cameras are in operation for security measures at all times.

You must not obstruct entry, exit or general movement of any person using the Facility.

All children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult (aged 18 years or older) at all times.

Offensive or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated and will result in immediate eviction from the Facility.

We may evict or refuse entry to any person / organisation at our discretion.

We do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to personal property, whether in the facility or elsewhere.


You enter and use this Facility at your own risk.

Sports training facilities are dangerous and you understand we do not accept liability for any injury or death to any person whilst in the Facility.

You indemnify us against any loss, damage or claim which may arise from your entry or use of this Facility or the entry or use by minors in your care or control.


By entering the Facility you agree to the above conditions.

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